Employee Spotlight November 2019

Team Spotlight

The CQL workgroup set very ambitious goals designed to improve processes and services for people enrolled in Kalix programs. Every team member has been actively working on one of more sub-groups on each of the initiatives (using the discovery process in planning meetings, goal training and monitoring, POM training and monitoring, staff training initiatives, etc.), meeting regularly to report on progress and implementation. Each initiative is already having an impact, and will continue to strengthen our performance as an agency. Thanks to each team member for committing your time and energy to this project!
Member of CQL Workgroup shown: Joy Smith, Rod Martinson, Diane Bouitiler, Roberta Bennett, Lane Banister, Roland Arrayan, Kim McKay, Melody Baker, Lisa Michels, Devon Flowers, and Angie Bray. Not Pictured: Chelsea Crockett, Kelsey Patterson, Corey Boucher, Vandessa Lunde, Krista Opstedal, and Maria Leidholt


The Discovery Program uses a variety of activities to teach work skills. Breanna purchased the games Jenga, Catch Phrase, and Pictionary and adapted them to facilitate discussions about soft skills. That led to thinking about goals and what people want in their lives. We appreciate Breanna’s creativity and initiative!

"I've worked at Kalix for 6 years. I enjoy spending time with people and showing them different ways to explore job opportunities. I love feeling like I'm making a difference in their lives." Beanna Horn

“I’ve worked at Kalix for 6 years. I enjoy spending time with people and showing them different ways to explore job opportunities. I love feeling like I’m making a difference in their lives.” Beanna Horn


Jesse was assigned to introduce a new program participant to a variety of jobs to get to know him and what type of work he would like. Along the way, she assisted him with working on his communication skills with positive results!

"I've worked at Kalix for 5 years. I enjoy working with people to find out what they're interested in and providing a variety of work options for them to pursue." Jesse Finch

“I’ve worked at Kalix for 5 years. I enjoy working with people to find out what they’re interested in and providing a variety of work options for them to pursue.” Jesse Finch