September 2017 Employee Spotlight


When a person on April’s caseload was having a difficult time and the team was considering alternatives, she took a strong leadership role to find and advocate for a solution that would be in the person’s best interests.  We appreciate April’s dedication and persistence!

April Platt, PD

April Platt, PD


Angie Mortenson, Julie Steenerson, Nick Ronquillo, Jean Mezydlo

Angie Mortenson, Julie Steenerson, Nick Ronquillo, Jean Mezydlo

Exemplifying the Kalix Mission

During the weeks following a vehicle accident involving several employees, this team of supervisors showed exceptional leadership and sensitivity, both in responding to the needs of employees as well as making arrangements to cover the workload while being short of workers.  All showed impressive dedication and teamwork as they dealt with the crisis, kept up employee morale, handled communication appropriately, worked with temporary help, and proceeded with training new employees.

Notable Nominees:

Tange Stone (Day Hab SS), Stacey Greene (Day Hab SS), Alyson Rupe (Day Hab SS), Patty Sladek (CHC), Jodi Wright, Rod Martinson, Rick Ibay (PS Voc Services), Corey Boucher (Asst. Dir of Res Services), Borgi Beeler, Laura Thomas, Jeff Wallstrum (PMC), Courtney Betz (Job coach), Zach Bucher (Program Assistant), Heather Tetrault (PS Turtle Creek), Tessa Giurbino (Day Hab SS)