November 2015 Employee Awards
Job Excellence
Linda Wobbema — ISLA Support Staff
Instead of a specific event, the nomination is for the routine work that Linda puts in every day to ensure that the ISLA medication system runs smoothly, from getting the meds from the pharmacy to writing up med orders, to actually administering the medications. Congrats, Linda, for being selected for the November Employee Spotlight!
Attitude & Commitment
Izzy Shaw and Sherece Powell – TCLF 1101 Support Staff
This team nomination resulted from their attitude and commitment as demonstrated when they assisted several people at 1101 with preparations for a Halloween Party. The creativity, enthusiasm, and effort that the they both put into helping each person put together a unique costume paid off as the participants enjoyed the evening and will have memories and photos to prove it. Congrats Sherece and Izzy!
Stacey Green—DSP Support Staff
The nomination for Stacey high-lights her support for a person who was recently diagnosed with diabetes, and the assistance that she has provided with the health-related issues. Congratulations, Stacey, for a job well done!
Notable Nominees for October: Stella Bosire—TCLF 1109, Mercedes Drecshel—MSLA PD, Linda Feldner—MSLA Minot, Kerry Morin—MSLA Park Street, Iris Parisien—MSLA Turtle Creek, Wilona Poitra—DSP Belcourt, DeZuan Webb—MSLA Minot