
Assistive Technology

Benefits of Deep Pressure Input

When we put together the Sensory Room at the main Kalix building, we tried to accommodate all areas of sensory integration to create a relaxing environment that could fulfill a variety of needs. So far the room has been a success, but we noticed that we were missing products for pressure seekers. Recently, we added a massage chair and weighted...
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PocketDresser-Dress With Independence

Now that summer is here, it’s time to bring out the summer button up shirts and shorts, but for some this is easier said than done. One of the many things people take for granted everyday is getting dressed independently. Most of us don’t think twice about zippers, small buttons on shirts, and the large...
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Switch Controls for Everyday Use

Many years ago, Kalix invested in PowerLink control units that could operate 2-4 electric appliances with a push of a switch. Many of these units are still being used in various programs to operate anything from table lamps, radios, Christmas lights, even an old school microwave. These PowerLinks have given the opportunity to control one’s environment to...
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HomeSenser- Stay Safe When Cooking

How many of us have played out the following scenario: you put a pot on the burner and turn it on high, then the phone rings. Fifteen minutes later you remember the food on the stove and come back to find the pot has boiled over. Another scenario could be forgetting to set a timer on the oven and walking...
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All about Apps

Over the past few years we have stumbled upon some great apps used during assessments, AT trials, and Free App Friday alerts. While there are millions of apps available for iOS and Android devices, some have been more popular within our agency than others.That being said, here is a few of the most utilized apps throughout our agency...
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Liftware- Eat with Independence

Eating meals with standard eating utensils is a task many people don’t think twice about, but for those with Parkinson disease and Essential Tremor, meal time can become a frustrating and time consuming process. Many of the people we support use silverware with various adaptations like a weighted spoon, curved fork, or a knife with a built-up handle...
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AT- Making Bathroom Access Easy

The bathroom is one of the most visited and reserved places in a home, at least for most of us it is. For some people, accessing the typical bathroom fixtures isn’t a simple process and may require expensive modifications to the layout as we age and our needs change. Thankfully, minor modifications can protect privacy by allowing someone to use the...
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AT for the Kitchen

Having the ability to cook good tasting food (that didn’t come from the grocery store’s frozen section) is a skill that not everyone has mastered. For some people creating a tasty dish is easier than tying shoes, while others view the stove top as a wasteland too dangerous to explore. Thankfully there’s a variety of assistive...
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Activity Trackers-Making Fitness Fun

According to one study, the average American only takes about 5,117 steps a day, half of the 10,000 step recommendation. So how do we begin to increase more movement throughout the day? Many of us have at one point in our lives have used a pedometer, which is a great place to start. Pedometers are inexpensive and...
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Can’t Find Somthing? StickNFind It!

How many times have you played out the following scenario: You’re scrambling around trying to get out the door to go to work, you go to grab your keys and they’re no where to be found. You check the counters, the coat rack, your pockets, and after 10 minutes of frantic search they finally turn up....
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